The Vision
Not Just Another Church!

Make the Vision Plain
The Vision of Life Music Christian Fellowship
CHRIST JESUS is the great Shepherd of this fold. He will feed, lead and pastor His people through the preaching and teaching of the WORD of GOD. The ministry of anointed music will break the fallow ground for the seed of the WORD. The WORD of the Anointing will sound like music to the broken and burdened.
Through CHRIST and the prayers of the saints, we will love and reach the unsaved world; seek the lost; bind-up the wounded; feed the hungry; heal the sick and afflicted; bridge the young with the old; shelter the homeless; visit the captive; pull down strongholds and develop the Family of GOD for the Kingdom of GOD.
CHRIST JESUS will perform these signs and wonders through the gifts of the HOLY SPIRIT, in the Power of GOD.
Colossians 3:16
Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the LORD.
Not just another church, but the rhythm of life on the heartbeat of Christ.